
Undangan Reuni Keluarga

Mugi katur panjenganipun
Bpk./Ibu/Sdr. kluwarga Umar
wonten ing Palenggahan

Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Rinenggo sagunging pakurmatan
Kanthi hangajab nugrahing Gusti Ingkang Maha Agung, mbok bilih wonten dhanganing penggalih saha longgaring wekdal, kula sak kluwarga nyuwun kanthi sanget rawuh kenjenengan mbenjang ing:

Suryo kaping: 21 April 2012
Wanci: Tabuh 19.30 (Ba'da Isya)
Panggenan: Jalan Kertajaya No.3 RT.02 RW.03 Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Wigatosing atur: Halal bihalal 

Wasana sanget ing pangajeng-ajeng kawula awit agunging kawigatosan rawuh panjenengan, mugi Gusti Allah tansah peparing berkah wilujeng ing sedayanipun. Amin

Wassalamualaikum wr.wb 

Awur taklim kawulo


Bpk. Arief sakluwarga


Cameron Mitchell

Who is he? He was a contender of The Glee Project. He was born on February 15th 1990. He is from Texas. He sang his original song called "Love Can Wait" in his audition in Fort Worth. 

He eliminated from TGP after 7 weeks struggling. He was in the bottom three. He sang "Blackbird" from The Beatles for his last chance. Cameron told Ryan Murphy, the director of Glee that he is not sure whether the glee project is for him. Then Ryan convince Cameron to stay. But, Cameron's mind is made up, he decided to leave The Glee Project for personal, religious reasons. Cameron broke the news to his fellow contenders. They were so shocked. Cameron crossed his name out. Turns out, by leaving, He saved Damian in the end. And after The Glee Project, Cameron and Damian become a bestfriend,you can call them "Dameron". 

Cameron and Damian

Here are some fun facts about Cameron:

If we were to look at your iPod – what would we see on the song list?
Adele, The Black Keys, Keane, Passion Pit, Sondre Lerche.

What is your favorite vacation spot?
The best vacation I’ve been on was in Miami. Lots of sun for my white skin.

What is the first concert you ever went to?
Styx/Foreigner/Kansas. I started out right.

Which singer do you admire most?
Chris Martin, because he has great control, writes beautifully, and has an amazing head voice.

What is your zodiac sign?
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Australia. I think I was born to be an Aussie!

What is your favorite song?
“My Love” by Paul McCartney and Wings. Also “Fix You” by Coldplay.

If you could meet anyone in the world, past or present, who would you want to meet and why?
Paul McCartney because he’s a pioneer and he sparked my love for music.

What is your favorite food?
Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, creamed corn, and biscuits.

What is your biggest dream?
To go on a world tour with Coldplay, The Beatles, and U2.

Other facts you get to know:

Cameron thinks his self as a truly nerd!!!!

He has confirmed that he was indeed Demi Lovato's first boyfriend.

He was dating Macy Marie Maloy, an aspiring singer-songwriter.

Cameron has been performing in amateur musical theater shows for 4 years.

He was hated by all the guys in high school but loved by all the girls.

Cameron grew up listening to and being inspired by the Beatles.
He discovered he wanted to be a musician when he was playing karaoke.
He considers Hannah, Damian and himself to be the 'trio'.
Damian is to be moving in with him as roommate.
He "watches Ferris Buellers Day Off only because his best friends name is Cameron".
He has 'Kids Bop' and 'Justin Bieber' on his iPhone.
He seldom wears contacts.
Cameron is left-handed.
He is assigned to Jon Draper Record Labels.


Tugu Tani Tragedy

January 22nd 2011 was a gloomy day. A tragedic accident happened when a car (Xenia) driven by a woman hit 12 pedestrians near Tugu Tani in central Jakarta. 9 people dead in this accident including pregnant woman and children, 3 others wounded. The police report shows that the driver, Afriyani Susanti and 3 other passengers were under the influence of drugs. 

the victims

According to Deputy Director for Law Enforcement Ditlantas Jakarta Police Adjutant Comr Darmanto, in addition to careless Afriani also have no traffic documents, such as driver's license (SIM) and the letter of the number of vehicles (vehicle registration).

Darmanto said car speed estimated at 60 kilometers to 70 kilometers per hour. Though the maximum speed limit for the city is 60 kilometers per hour.

Afriani Susanti (29), the suspect in the deadly accident Tugu Tani, Gambir, Central Jakarta, party drugs and alcohol.

Afriyani Susanti

Drug Investigation Director of the Jakarta Police Comr Aji Nugroho said, the lag time between Afriani cs ecstasy type drugs by accident not so long.

The reason, Afriyani attend his friend's birthday party at a hotel in Banteng Square, Central Jakarta, just two hours, starting at 20.00 until 22.00. The remaining time until the accident is used to get drunk and taking drugs.

"After they rushed from the hotel into a cafe in Kemang area. And this is where the suspect Wiskhi and drink beer until the early morning hours of 02 o'clock"
From cafes in Kemang area, Apriani and her friends then went to a discotheque and nightclub in the area Mangga Besar, West Jakarta.

The cause of the accident until the suspect out of control in driving it because she was under the influence of liquor and drugs.

From my point of view, this is a terrible accident that shouldn't happen. Afriyani's life style ruins her. Drugs and alcohol just bring her one step closer to terrible. Not only her but also other people, other pedestrians. Alcohol and drug kill!!! They Destroy lives!!! 

and it’s heartbreaking to see the families of the victims wailed and mourned for their lost loved ones. Their beloved have been snatched away in such cruel way by a reckless and an irresponsible driver.

Anyhow, no one can turn back the time. No matter how hard Afriyani wanted to rewind the time, it would fail. It's only come a regret at all. Now, she has to to live with the fact that she  killed nine people because her carelessness. She has to pay the consequences of her choices. For her, it is her biggest fatal mistake that ruins not only her life but also others. I hope that this accident not gonna happen again and people realized that drugs and alcohol is a negative things that we must avoid in life. 


Me & Me

The story of the one and only who own this blog

Born on December 19th 1995 in Bandar Lampung. Ardelia is my name. I’m Indonesian and i’m proud to be. Still study in Senior High School, SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. Since i born till now, i have a story to share. This is the story of me......

Masa Balita
Saya lahir pada 19 Desember 1995 di Bandar Lampung tepatnya sekitar pukul 23.55. Terlahir dengan nama Ardelia yang berarti pintar dan tekun. Secara tidak langsung itu adalah harapan orangtua saya yang seharusnya bisa saya wujudkan. Semoga saja bisa, amin. Saya anak ketiga dari tiga bersaudara. Anak-anak ibu dan ayah saya semuanya perempuan. Saat kecil saya senang bermain dengan kakak-kakak saya. Main masak-masakan, barbie, petak umpet, monopoli, ular tangga biasanya kami lakukan bersama. Tapi tidak jarang juga kami berantem hahaha

Ini saya (tengah) bersama kakak-kakak saya saat kecil

Masa Kanak-Kanak & SD
Saya Tk di Taman Kanak-Kanak Ikal Dolog. Saya Tk disini karena jaraknya dekat dengan rumah saya. Setiap berangkat dan pulang sekolah saya pasti dengan Sekar Dwiska Tyadi. Dia ini teman, sahabat, sekaligus tetangga saya. Kalau sedang jalan ke Tk pasti kami cerita-cerita, main-main, dan mikirin masa depan hahaha pikiran anak Tk. Di Tk saya pernah ikut kelompok tari dan sering tampil di acara-acara. Lulus Tk saya SD di SDN 2 Rawalaut, biasanya disebut Teladan. SD nya gak terlalu jauh juga dari rumah saya dan saya masih tetep pulang pergi sama si Sekar dengan berjalan kaki. Saya SD 6 tahun pastinya. Kelas 3-6 saya sekelas dengan Sekar di kelas a yang katanya unggulan. Masa-masa SD seperti biasa diisi dengan belajar dan bermain walaupun mungkin lebih banyak bermainnya. Masa SD yang lama banget ini akhirnya bisa saya selesaikan dengan nilai kelulusan yang memuaskan. Dan ya saya menjadi anak SMP (dambaan setiap anak SD) :)

Masa SMP
Lulus SD saya sekolah di SMPN 2 Bandar Lampung. Sekolah ini salah satu sekolah favorit di kota saya. Saya bersyukur bisa masuk sekolah ini walaupun kelas reguler. Sekolah saya terletak di Jalan Jendral Sudirman.Dan walaupun sudah RSBI sekolah ini kecil banget dan kalau dilihat-lihat bentuknya seperti segitiga. Karena keterbatasan luas lapangan,kami kalau olahraga pasti di lapangan Brimob. Kelas 7 SMP terasa masih biasa-biasa saja. Kelas 8 baru mulai cerita-cerita baru. Teman-teman kelas 8 saya seru-seru. Saya juga menjadi anggota OSIS saat SMP tepatnya Sekbid Kehidupan Berbangsa dan Bernegara. Anggota OSIS/MPK saat itu sudah seperti keluarga sendiri. Susah seneng sama-sama. Selain itu mereka juga kocak-kocak jadi jadi kalau ada acara pasti stres nya bisa hilang. Kelas 9 saya lebih serius untuk mempersiapkan UN. Saya duduk di kelas 9.4 atau SPARTA, Sembilan Empat Rame Tapi Asik. Kelas ini memang aslinya seperti namanya rame dan asik. Tapi karena itu hari-hari melelahkan dikelas 9 bisa dilewati dengan canda tawa. Actually i miss them, i miss their jokes :’). Jelang UN pastinya saya dan kawan-kawan tegang, tapi alhamdulillah soal UN bisa dikerjakan dengan baik dan Spanda lulus 100%. Selesai masa tegang, SPARTA liburan ke Tabek Indah. Menyewa cottage, berenang, nyanyi-nyanyi bareng pasti jadi kenangan di SPARTA. Selesai refreshing, saya harus mengahadapi ujian masuk SMA. Pusing-pusing lagi belajar-belajar lagi demi masuk SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. Fighting!

Masa SMA
Alhamdulillah saya diterima di SMAN 2 Bandar Lampung. Seperti sekolah lain, saya di MOS dulu. Saya saat MOS anggota kelompok karedok, keren dan ok. Lalu saya terdaftar sebagai murid di kelas X.2 atau Gendut, Gerombolan Sepuluh Dua Imut. Di SMA saya bertemu banyak teman dari berbagai sekolah dan daerah. Banyak juga teman dari SMP saya yang masuk X.2 jadi tidak terlalu canggung lagi. Masa SMA memang berbeda dengan masa SMP. Kalau SMA kita harus lebih mandiri, harus cari-cari guru, harus nanyain nilai. Walaupun begitu, kata orang masa SMA itu masa yang terindah so hope it will happen to us, Amien.